Welcome Parents

Welcome Parents, Guardians and Families

Students playing with pattern blocksWe welcome families and guardians to join us in preparing today's students to take charge of America's future. We recognize that raising children is a team effort, and that students benefit from an educational team involving our schools, our community and you.

Research shows that the more parents get involved in their child's education, the higher level of success that student can achieve. Parent engagement is potent as rocket fuel, and with it, there's no telling how high your child can soar.

What's the best way to get involved? Talk to your child's teacher and school office to see what you can do. In addition, the district's Parent Outreach and Engagement Department offers programs and resources in the most effective ways to help your child academically.

Our schools welcome you to pitch in, often with seemingly small tasks that can have far-reaching results. You can join our Zamorano Education Foundation(ZEF) our ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee), the SSC School Site Council, join your child in the classroom at our regular Family Fridays. You can chaperone field trips, help out during our annual Fiesta, read Dr. Seuss to primary students. You can make an impact by joining any one of the district's many advisory committees and councils, and help shape policy on everything from legislation to athletics.

Our district is committed to involving student families and the community. We've made it official policy, Parent Communications and Involvement Standards, to establish effective partnerships at every level in the educational process -- from our classrooms, to company boardrooms, to family living rooms.

Our parents continue to play a key role in helping to keep our arts alive. Our Zamorano Education Foundation (ZEF) raised over 20,000 dollars with our most recent fund raiser. So far, this school year, we have had 80 to 100% participation at our school's family events. Together, we have had a great Multicultural Family Art Night, Trunk and Treat, Winter Music Program and our first production of our after school drama club with the play, "Character Matters." At Zamorano we are excited to offer multiple opportunities for parents to meet with our administrative team and collaborate with our school. This year, we have an active English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), Coffee Talk, School Site Council (SSC) and School Site Governance (SSG). If you are interested in volunteering or being part of any of our committees, please contact:

Principal Derek Murchison
[email protected]

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