Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (PBIS)

Our school is participating in an important district initiative. It is called Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS). PBIS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. It is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to educate all children by developing research-based, school-wide, and classroom behavior support systems. PBIS is nota program or a curriculum. It is a team-based approach to creating a safe, respectful, responsible and productive learning environment for students, parents, and staff.

The students Zamorano Fine Arts Academy have been learning about school-wide behavioral expectations. These expectations have been agreed upon by the staff as an effective way to be proactive in managing behaviors. We are pleased to announce that our Zamorano Intervention Problem Solving Team (ZIPs) and discipline committee has developed, approved, and implemented the following behavior intervention support systems:

Orange Slip: Policy to correct inappropriate behavior

1) Positive verbal reminder ( e.g.- Please remember to walk, excuse me please lower your voice, Please pick up your trash, thank you for...)

2) Repeated inappropriate student behavior will result in a written Orange Slip to remind students of further consequences. Teachers will document orange slip infraction, redirect student behavior, copy the orange slip. Then send it home for parents to discuss with student, sign and return back to school.

3) When a student receives 3 Orange Slips, the student will be assigned to a 15 minute after school detention with administration. Teachers will notify parents and administration of their student being assigned to after school detention.

4) After a student receives 5 reporting forms, parents and administration will be notified again by the classroom teacher that their student is receiving a 30 minute after school detention. Administration will contact parents, hold after school detention, and enter student misbehavior on the students' records.

5) Office Referral will ONLY be used for physically dangerous behavior, illegal behavior, or for overt insubordination. See SDUSD policy for suspension:


If a student's behavior is a threat to the safety, health or emotional wellbeing of others, and previous methods of prevention and intervention have not been successful, that student will be suspended in accordance with district policy and state law.


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