Regular intake of nutritious food helps ensure students are physically primed to learn. San Diego Unified School District serves a nutritious breakfast and lunch every school day. Please support your child's learning by making sure your child has access to these meals, along with adequate, healthy snacks.
Kid's Choice Café
The district's award-winning Kid's Choice Café program encourages students to eat at school more consistently and helps to guide them toward healthier food choices.
Students are encouraged to eat breakfast every day to give them the opportunity to come to class adequately prepared for learning. All children are served breakfast in their classrooms starting at 7:40 am.
Zamorano has three 40 minute lunch periods. Students are escorted by their teachers to the cafeteria when their lunch period begins. For each lunch period, the students are allotted 20 minutes to eat and 20 minutes to play. At the conclusion of the first 20 minuets, the students are then escorted by a noon duty supervisor to their designated play area. Through the Kid's Choice Cafe program, lunch offers three entrée choices and includes a salad bar where students can select from an array of fruits, vegetables and healthy toppings every day. Students are expected to eat in an appropriate manner and remain seated until dismissed by a designated staff member.
Parents are encouraged to send children to school with healthy snacks, such as fruit, vegetables or yogurt. Items such as chips, cookies, candy and similar non-nutritive foods are not acceptable.